Dental Services
Oral health care is just as important as any other aspects of your health. Did you know that poor oral health has been linked to heart and lung disease. diabetes. stroke. extremely high-birth weight. and premature births. Often. diseases give their first warning signs in the form of oral problems. To ensure that our clients get the best treatment. we have invested in great dental equipment as well as put together an excellent dental team.
We offer:
- Filling.
- Root canal.
- Teeth cleaning.
- Fluoride therapy.
- Replacements.
- Dental x-rays
- Restorative dentistry (Permanent Filling for Decayed Teeth).
- Extraction of Erupted teeth and removal of fractured roots.
- Handling of serious injuries of the teeth and the soft tissues of the mouth.
- Orthodontic treatment (correction of crooked teeth).
ENT Services
We provide superior and timely consultative and diagnostic ENT services
Cardiac Unit
We highly focus not only on the condition but also on the underlying cause.
Our physiotherapists have embraced technology and proven methods to offer our patients the best physio-therapeutic treatment.
Eye Care
Our eyes are some of the most important organs. They are sensitive and require great care.
Orthopedic Unit
Don't let your current Orthopedic conditions hinder your life
We highly focus not only on the heart condition but also on the underlying cause.