About Us
The lifeline Group of Hospitals is a health center of excellence which seeks to transform patient care delivery. The level 5 institution has a multidisciplinary team committed to delivering the best patient care possible.
We are a company duly incorporated under the companies under the companies Act Cap 486 laws of Kenya. The company was incorporated in the year 2005 and by then it was known as Estate Medical Clinic Limited, subsequently in the year 2006 it changed its name to Health Care Nursing Home Limited which changed in 2009 to Kahawa Wendani Hospital and finally to The Lifeline Group of Hospitals.
We are under the Lifeline Group of Hospitals. We believe in investing in the right technology that will help in improving clinical outcomes and enhancing the service delivery to patients. The hospital operates on a 24 hour basis with members of staff alternating shifts.
We currently have two other branches.
Our main core business is to provide timely and efficient medical services both in and out patient on a wide range of services among them general and specialized treatments and consultations. We have both male and femake wards and pediatric wards for the young ones who from time to time require our inpatient services.

Treat With Love in Our Hospitals
Our doctors and other medical personnel are one of the most qualified personnel in the field to ensure trustworthy and high quality services to our patients.

Mrs. Salama Mugendi
The Lifeline Group of Hospital Goals

Our Mission
Our aim is to convert private medical services into an exciting, affordable and easily accessible to both the low and middle level income earners. Our objective is to transform our business into a profitable venture for our shareholders, business partners and other stakeholders using new growing into a one stop shop for all medical services and equipment.